

Proper window installation is an important part of homebuilding and remodeling. While purchasing the most expensive windows and doors on the market may seem like a good way to increase home value and save on energy costs, poorly installed products may end up costing more in the long run. More specifically, mistakes during installation may result in loss of energy savings from a high-performance product, repeated service calls to correct issues with air infiltration and water leakage due to improper operation or significant damage from mold growth.

Window replacement and installation should be left to professional installers. Installation can be complicated, and manufacturers’ installation instructions don’t always provide complete details on how to handle the hundreds of different surrounding wall and job site conditions. Also, many manufacturers’ warranties don’t cover installation, and if they do, you must use the approved and recommended installation method. Certified installers are trained on best practices and installation techniques based on industry standards for both new construction and replacement projects.

Hiring a certified window installer can save you both time and money, as well as give you the peace of mind that the installation was done properly.

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(847) 695-4990